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Construction companies to deploy major accident hidden dangers special investigation and rectification and safety work

Source: Ecology Corporation 时间:2023-05-26 10:52 Number of readings:

         On May 12, the construction company held a special meeting on production safety work to arrange and deploy special investigation and rectification work for major accidents and recent work related to production safety。

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to always manage and do a good job of work safety with a high sense of political responsibility and corporate missionMajor accidentSpecial investigation of hidden dangersFor the problems found in the company, it is necessary to make changes and strengthen control to ensure that the safety production situation of construction companies is stable and controllable。

The request,一是Clearly understand the severe and complex situation, constantly improve the political position, and resolutely shoulder major political responsibilities;二是All projects should do a good job in the safety supervision of the project, pay close attention to the key places, key links, and major risks, and resolutely prevent accidents caused by high-risk operations;三是All projects should strictly implement the 24-hour on-duty system, strictly implement the daily safety production reporting requirements, report problems in time, and properly solve them。(Zhao Chenhe)